Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Heading to Ghana

Today has finally arrived, and I am on my way to Ghana for 6 weeks. I will be studying African Dance and Song and History of Ghana. We will be traveling all around Ghana and I hope to learn about the culture, way of life and how each community live within the big city.

I arrived at the airport very early, so my parents waited with me for awhile and than headed off. I almost got choked up when they left but held it together cause all I needed were so puffy eyes walking through security. Once I got through the hassle of security, I settled in a seat and waited for the announcement stating " Flight 180 to London will begin boarding in 10 minutes." But I waited and waited for the call for what seemed like 3 hours. Finally the announcement came and we were ready to board. I walked on the plane and found my seat and to my surprise the extended legroom was more than worth the extra money!

The flight was 9ish hours to London and than another 8 hours to Ghana. Had a small layover in London (2 hours) and than it was off to my next and final leg. We sat on the airplane however for 30+ minutes waiting for the maintenance people to fix a part that wouldn't allow the pilot to turn on the engine. So we sat there in the blazing heat FOREVER! I was sweating bullets and the larger man sitting next to me was swimming in his. We finally got off the ground but had to take a completely different flight route because the French air traffic controllers were on strike that day. So the 8 hour plane ride turned into 9.

We finally got to Ghana and to our surprise, yes I met a CIEE student on the plane that was in the row in front of me, no one was there to pick us up and take us to the hostel. We finally got someone to come pick us up and we were on our way! We arrived at the hostel around 11:30 p.m. and headed straight to our room. I yearned for a shower the whole ride to the hostel so when I finally got a chance to take one it was amazing! The next day is going to be an early was so we crashed hard!

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